Washington, DC may be a bit conservative but the exclusive premier of the Sex And The City 2 movie brought out the Metro Area fashionistas at the “The Glam Squad Remixx” VIP reception. We were treated to a mix of great food (mini crab cakes... and yummy cup cakes to DIE for), fashion (equipped with professional models on tap), and a great time with the girlfriends new and old. There were similar offerings in Atlanta and Charlotte but DC's Sex And The City 2 pre-screening at Clyde's of Gallery Place, right in the heart of Chinatown, and conveniently located next to the Regal Gallery Place Stadium 14 movie theater, was a great setting for a red carpet event.
Hosted by Natasha E., writer and editor for the Young, Black and Fabulous gossip blog (TheYBF.com) in a partnership with Liquid Soul Media,Warner Bros. Pictures and New Line Cinema, the sold out event was a bit of an anomaly, using only the power of the online community to make this event happen and selling out, says Natasha, in only two minutes.
I've been to plenty of these movie premiers and I have to say that this one was among some of the best. Nice setting for the reception, wonderful food and a mini fashion show of sorts because, well, it IS all about the fashion when we are talking about Sex And The City. Or to be specific, it's all about the shoes.
Our silver, rubber, bracelets allowed us entrance into the theater. Picked at random, each bracelet represented one of the main characters from Sex And The City 2. Mine said "I'm a Samantha". We are not even going to get into that because I'd like to think I'm a Carrie but this could be the reason still I'm not married. But, huh, I AM a Scorpio after all so maybe.... OK, that's another post for another time.
The movie it self is a "must see" night out with the girls because fellas, it is mos def a "chick flick." Without giving anything away, the first "ah" of the night was the closeup of Carrie's glittery, gold Christian Louboutin shoes. I'd price them for you but why bother, it would only make me angry I can't afford them and then I'd end up buying a pair I can afford but don't need so let's not even go there... OK? The best line of the movie, "I thought, I'd have to give up my nanny"? Seriously, I'm still laughing at that one... you'll have to see the movie to get the full context.
Big thanks to my girl, Shelvee Casey seen with me below, for the invite and a big high five to her and her team for all their hard work coordinating the logistics in just four days.
I'd say a good time was had by all!

The Glam Squad Remixx "celebrates the style ingenuity and sisterhood amongst African-American women nationwide". You can visit them on the web at www.GlamSquadRemixx.com. Liquid Soul Media is an award-winning lifestyle marketing agency providing strategic direction, planning, development, and creative design. They can be found at www.liquidsoulmedia.com.