Set up on a blind date and worried it will be a disaster so you plan an escape route and arrange to have your friend call your cell phone in the middle of dinner? So 20th century. The new solution? It’s just a text away. If you’ve ever been stuck on a date, bored in a meeting or just in need of a good excuse to leave, you’ll want to keep reading.
We bring you, a new, automated texting service and the 21st century solution to that age-old problem: get me out of here! Instead of having to pre-arrange a fake text or phone call to save you, automates the process and dispatches text messages and phone calls on demand.
The best news is, it’s easy. Just store the number in your phone under whatever contact name will work best for your little escape route, i.e. boss, best friend, mom, whatever. Then, before the big event, just send a text to the service dictating the text or call you want and when you want it. You can also customize the text or voice message by including an alternative message in your request.
So when your date starts talking about his ex’s or your coworker starts revealing one too many details, you can just pull out your phone, show them the “emergency” text and voila, you’re off the hook
This is a place where women can share ideas, honor ourselves, talk about what's important to us and just be...
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
This Little Known Tool Will Rescue You From Bad Dates
A Real Man
A real man is a woman's best friend.
He will never stand her up and never let her down. He will reassure her when she feels insecure and comfort her after a bad day.
He will inspire her to do things she never thought she could do; to live without fear and forget regret.
He will enable her to express her deepest emotions and give in to her most intimate desires.
He will make sure she always feels as though she's the most beautiful woman in the room and will enable
her to be the most confident, sexy, seductive, and invincible.
No wait... sorry... I'm thinking of wine.It’s wine that does all that.......
Never mind.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The price of falling in love: Losing two close friends?
It's a good thing I really only have five BFFs in the fist place because a fascinating news report coming out of the British Science Festival in Birmingham confirms the tried and true saying: You can't have it all. Specifically, you can't fall in love with a new romantic partner and simultaneously juggle ALL your close friends, which typically average five in number.
At some point in your adult life, you’ve likely either witnessed or experienced firsthand how a new relationship can often leave little to no time for friends, resulting in a steady decline in the hangout department. And thanks to a recent study from Oxford University, we can now put some numbers on the phenomenon. According to the research, falling in love with a person will ultimately cost you (on average) two close friends.
“People who are in romantic relationships—instead of having the typical five [individuals] on average, they only have four in that circle,” explained Robin Dunbar, a professor of evolutionary anthropology at Oxford. “And bearing in mind that one of those is the new person that’s come into your life, it means you’ve had to give up two others.”There you have it. But guys, don't think that pulling out this article in conjunction with charts containing sad faces will make your not-so-single friend come running back. It doesn't work like that.
Full story at BBC News.
How to Romance Your Readers Like a 5 Star Restaurant
Combining fine dining, romance and blogging... uh... does it get any better than this?
If you’re trying to impress a date, nothing does it like a romantic multi-course meal. In the blogosphere, you’re not trying to romance anyone, but you are out to impress — and snare — prospective readers.
Intrigue, Don’t Bore
So impress; don’t bore them. Think of it like serving up a multi-course meal. Don’t freak out~just like you don’t eat that type of meal all at once, you serve up the most fabulous food by planning out a menu, making your grocery list and scheduling the cooking. You work behind the scenes like a fiend, perhaps sweating a bit in the kitchen. And then you present a scrumptious, mouth-watering meal to guests, making it look easy.
Serve Up A Memorable Experience
The reason customers return to a four-star restaurant is not just the quality of the food. It is the attention to detail. It is the personal greeting when you arrive. It is the escort to your table with a beautiful view. The pulling out of a chair so that you can easily sit….you feel the personal attention taking your experience up a notch. With a flourish, the maitre’d places a napkin on your lap. The waiter arrives and gives a polite introduction, inquiring what you would like to drink, acting as if you and your date are the most important customers in the restaurant. Meanwhile, the background music plays on, unobtrusive and elegant.
These actions add up to a beautiful experience. When someone visits your blog, you want them to have and remember a great experience.
Maybe you’re not going for an elegant impression. Perhaps you’re aiming to titillate and showcase your wide writing range and expertise, or to combine hilarity and blog tips. These are bloggers who leave a lasting, good impression on their readers, and have sticky blogs.
How do successful bloggers do it?
1. Whet the appetite with a perfect appetizer.
Set the stage with a creative and professional banner that showcases your brand. It’s the first thing a potential reader sees, and if it looks like an amateur did it, your readers might just click away.
If you go into a restaurant, and the ambiance is that of fine dining, complete with mood lighting, your expectations are set high. When the waiter starts describing the delicious, fresh buffalo mozzarella on heirloom tomatoes with basil chiffonade, drizzled with Italian balsamic vinegar, it ‘fits’ with the branding you’ve experienced to that point. You’re looking forward to eating what the chef whips up.
Just as some restaurants use candlelight with tablecloths and china (not Chinet), creating the right ambiance for a nice dinner, so too should you think about the first impression you give a reader with your banner. Does it reflect your brand well, and is it professional looking?
2. Stand out with a Salad
Hold the not quite ripe tomatoes, and stay your hand on the tasteless bagged carrots. Get out the awesome stuff that is really good.
The headline to your post should not be boring (duh). It should be creative and offer help or information your readers need. Here’s one headline that caught my eye on Yahoo….”Checking Out of the Grocery Store Faster, and With More of Your Paycheck In Hand.”
Now that’s definitely a hot headline. Do I want to check out of the grocery store faster? Yes. Do I want to leave the grocery store for less money out of my pocket? Heck yeah! So I click to find out how to accomplish that goal. Voila. The headline did its job.
Remember, the headline that people see on Twitter, Facebook, or Google can determine whether they click on that link to read it. So entice them. Get click savvy. You can get your potential readers to ‘order’ your blog post.
3. Serve a memorable soup, not thin gruel.
What I mean is, make sure your opening paragraph isn’t dry as sawdust. Keep your reader’s interest by being unique, and engaging them with a targeted question. If you’re writing about dieting or nutrition, you could open with ‘Why do some nutritionists advise eating five small meals a day to lose weight? Does this work for you?”
Sometimes, adding just a few choice ingredients makes all the difference between so-so tomato bisque, and the most awesome, creamy, and delightfully different tomato bisque ever. There’s the tomato condensed canned soup made with milk, and then there’s the French chef’s secret recipe to knocking your socks off tomato bisque. If I’m going to order tomato bisque at a restaurant, I don’t want the ordinary. I want the extraordinary.
When people arrive at your blog and read your first paragraph, they’re going to decide whether to keep reading or not. Make sure they keep reading because you’re serving up the knock your socks off tomato bisque topped with crème fraiche.
4. Provide Entrees that Satisfy.
Would you rather have a perfectly grilled steak, baked potato and salad, or a microwave meal? They both fill you up, but one satisfies the senses more than the other.
It’s the creative analogies and cool stories to inform and entertain that people remember, and come back for more. There are so many ways to make boneless, skinless chicken breast into a meal, but there are a ton of ways to prepare and serve it.
Enlighten readers with your unique perspective on your topic of choice, impress them with how much your blog helps them (it’s your content strategy) and you’ll gain their gratitude and readership.
5. Dessert: Sweet Success
As your traffic grows (through your sweat equity online), and you’re getting to know more bloggers through networking, you’ll start to feel like you’re making progress.
Tasting the sweetness of success as a blogger only comes after a lot of hard work and long hours. In the beginning, you might feel like you’re only getting a lick out of the cookie dough bowl.
The first steps on the road to success are paved with small victories. Gaining loyal readers. Racking up Twitter followers and Facebook fans. Guest posting on a bigger blog in your niche. Before you know it, you’re further and further along toward achieving success.
You’ve planned your ‘menu,’ served up successful ‘meals’ (blog posts), and are continuing to network with readers and bloggers alike.
Cyberspace is interesting, though. Even meeting someone online doesn’t quite measure up to the real thing. Face to face networking still rules.
Weekly Whitepaper: How to Build the Business Case for Virtualization
This from the ReadWriteCloud channel, which is dedicated to covering virtualization and cloud computing, and
What do you need to do to build a case for virtualization? It can be a cultural shift for a company to adopt virtualization. It requires different skill sets and an approach that turns a data center into a network that optimizes an infrastructure according to the principles of a shared infrastructure.
But there are steps you can take that provide executives with a clear path to return on investment.
It starts with telling a compelling story.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Women Who Tech Presentation - Principles of Social Media ROI
Women Who Tech: A TeleSummit for Women in Technology is the brainchild of Allyson Kapin, Founding Partner of Rad Campaign - an online communications firm that specializes in web design, development and online marketing for non-profit organizations and political campaigns.
Check out just one of the amazing the presentations from the TeleSummit by Lauren Varga, Beth Kanter and Roz Lemieux on Social Media ROI.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Only in Japan, Real Men Go to a Hotel With Virtual Girlfriends
In ATAMI, Japam. this resort town, once popular with honeymooners, is turning to a new breed of romance seeker... virtual sweethearts.
Since the marriage rate among Japan's shrinking population is falling and with many of the country's remaining lovebirds heading for Hawaii or Australia's Gold Coast, Atami had to do something. It is trying to attract single men—and their handheld devices.
In the first month of the city's promotional campaign launched July 10, more than 1,500 male fans of the Japanese dating-simulation game LovePlus+ have flocked to Atami for a romantic date with their videogame character girlfriends.
The men are real. The girls are cartoon characters on a screen. The trips are actual, can be expensive and aim to re-create the virtual weekend outing featured in the game, a product of Konami Corp. played on Nintendo Co.'s DS videogame system.