I have a really good girlfriend that I met while working at Walt Disney World in Orlando. We have become the best of friends. Over the years we have shared similar hopes & dreams for the future. One of those dreams was to finally, finally get married. We had given up so much for our careers and as newly crowned Cougars we wanted to settle down.
So, we dated. And we dated. And we dated some more. Then I saw a shift in her love requirements. She started to say she wanted to be adored. I liked that idea but I don't think I fully bought into the concept. That is UNTIL... years later I met her husband. By then I was living in DC and she had come to town with her new hubby to watch history being made with the inauguration of the first Black President of the United States.
I'm going to cut to the chase here... he adores her! So much so he has photos of their wedding on his PDA and has no problems whipping them out to show the world what a beautiful bride he has. A guy... with wedding photos... on his iPhone... that he WANTS to share. That's just one small example of his adoration. I could go on and on about how he adores her but that's not the point.
The point is she didn't change the men she was dating. She changed her consciousness about the kind of men she wanted to date. Not too long ago I made that shift as well and I've been attracting more nurturing, honest, down to earth brothers (with one or two exceptions here and there). I will be blogging more about that as time goes on. In the meantime I asked some of my Twitter friends to define what it means to be adored by a man by answering this question: "He adores you if______" (fill in the blank). Here are some of my favorite answers. Feel free to add your own. I'll continue to post more as more of my favorites roll in.
- @peachcandy24 #HeAdoresYouIf respects you, protects you, and provides for you
- @RachelRich69 #HeAdoresYouIf he honestly and openly shares his feelings with you about your future together
- @jujumama #HeAdoresYouIf He is willing and happy to give because you are so open to receiving
- @rixstarr @DanielleRicks #HeAdoresYouIf he displays one of the Big "P" manhood traits on a regular basis. That's Protect/Provide/Profess/Promote
- @cyntjemusic #HeAdoresYouIf he supports your destiny/goals even if it means him getting out of the way
These are just a few. Give me your thoughts! Oh... and follow me on Twitter @DanielleRicks
@ShannonRenne#HeAdoresYouIf he doesn't understand social media and supports your addiction anyway *LOVE THAT ONE*
@FeminaPrudentia #HeAdoresYouIf.... he admits his wrongs and makes things right...