I went to my high school reunion over the weekend. It was sooooooo much fun! But... and this is interesting... it's amazing how people can fall back into old habits... just like back in grade school. The same girls who got on everyone's nerves when we were in high school are STILL getting on folks nerves now that we are adults. But snobby women aside, the best part of the night was the fact that those of us who considered each other "girls" back in the day... came together as friends... after all those years... picking up with our friendship right where we left off!
Old boyfriends reminded us of our first loves and yet old pains seem to disappear. Old rivalries were put aside and in it's place a greater bond was formed amongst us all. You see, I grew up in a very small town. A very, very small town outside of Philadelphia, PA. A lot of people I graduated with I've know all my life. Many of us started kindergarten together and we learned how to laugh, negotiate, communicate, argue, forgive, and yes, love from first grade right through graduation from 12th grade.
Many of us left my small hometown and started our life elsewhere. Many others remained or moved to the next big city. But, through all of our travels, experiences, and life lessons, we came together during our reunion as a united front... as people who have shared a common childhood and who understand each other on such a deep level... like no one else could... like no one else can.
But, this is really the story of my girlfriends. Like my GF, Jina, who I use to ride my bike with to Darby Township to seek out the brothers with "swagga"... although at the time we weren't familiar with that term... we just knew we like guys with edge. Or Laurie, who sang in the choir with me and went on weekend rides in our friend's car trying... unsuccessfully... to get into some trouble. There is also Wanda, who was a regular at the Nile Swim Club (my favorite place on earth to be as a child) and someone who I've been keeping in contact with online. Then there is my girl, Dannie, who I didn't have the best of relationships with in high school (mainly because we misunderstood each other) but who is now like a sister to me. Of course, I can't leave out my BFF, Trina... who knows all my childhood secrets and who I don't see nearly often enough! This was Trina's first high school reunion but we are hoping it won't be her last because we had so much fun!
Wait, I'm reminded of a story I forgot to ask the ladies at the reunion if they remembered. When we were in 6th grade we girls came up with a scheme to quite the boys during lunch time. I'm not sure what Todd, Larry, Bruce, Tyrone and Edsel did to us but we were going let them know they did us wrong and we were done with them! It was agreed; we would stand up and say "It's quits" all at the same time. As the clock ticked away and each of us wondered if we were doing the right thing... we slowly stood up... looked at each other... and at the strike of 12 noon we all quit our boyfriends. Well, all except Jina... she chickened out... I wonder if she remembers this?
But I digress... rounding out the last of the girlfriends there is Linda, who pulled the whole reunion together and gave us all a magical night to remember. She joins Grace, my elementary BFF who, for some reason, didn't show up at the reunion but helped Linda pull it all together. There are so many more girlfriends to mention... like my girl Ramona Cropper who helped me search high and low for the stone I lost out of the bubble gum ring Todd bought me... or Helen, Gigi and Jen... all cool chicks... but I'll stop here.
All the women of my youth have had a profound impact on me. They are who I was, who I am, who I always hoped to be. They mean more to me as an adult woman than they ever did as a little girl growing up. I have a love for them all that I can't even explain. I will say this; my heart is full having spent time with so many of my childhood friends. I am truly, truly, blessed to have grown up in a town where everyone knew everyone, where all the parents had the right to discipline us, where we were able to keep our doors unlocked all day long, where we could leave our bikes in the driveway overnight, and where you knew you were loved for miles and miles around you. All that love came pouring out this weekend. I underestimated how much I missed these people and how important these women are to me. I promise not to let that happen again.
"Those truly linked don't need correspondence. When they meet again after many years apart, their friendship is as true as ever". ~Deng Ming-Dao
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