Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Early steps to find breast cancer prone to error

First they tells "do a daily breast exam". Then they say, "breast exams are not an effective form of detection for breast cancer". Now we learn early detection is so difficult that mistakes, ones that could be emotionally and physically irreversible, are more the norm than the exception. Ladies (and the men who love us) let's do all we can to continue to support breast cancer research!

Amplify’d from www.msnbc.msn.com

As it turns out, diagnosing the earliest stage of breast cancer can be surprisingly difficult, prone to both outright error and case-by-case disagreement over whether a cluster of cells is benign or malignant, according to an examination of breast cancer cases by The New York Times.

A '30-year history of confusion'
Advances in mammography and other imaging technology over the past 30 years have meant that pathologists must render opinions on ever smaller breast lesions, some the size of a few grains of salt. Discerning the difference between some benign lesions and early stage breast cancer is a particularly challenging area of pathology, according to medical records and interviews with doctors and patients.

Read more at www.msnbc.msn.com

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