One of my favorite sayings is "you attract that which you are". But how can you attract your greatness if you aren't at your best? How can my partner see my greatness if he don’t recognize his own? How will my mate support my dreams if his dreams aren't realized? If like attracts like and you're not at your best or I'm not at mine... yet I am attracted you... than what does that say about me? What does that say about you? If I wasn't vibrating high I... I will attract someone who is acting low. If I'm not feeling good about me... surely I will attract someone who is ALSO not feeling me. So I have to be at my BEST, treat myself well, love my dirty draws and honor myself if I expect you to do the same because like DOES attract like.
Love is a delicate balance between the peeks and valleys of life. At times it lifts you up to heights unknown to places even our fragile hearts can’t comprehend. Other times it causes so much anguish we feel the pain of thousand deaths.
Here’s what I know for sure:
- You can’t make anyone stay with you who wants to leave you nor should you try.
- Sometimes people come into your life for only a short period of time but short or long they came into your life to teach you lessons about YOURSELF not about them.
- Gone does not mean goodbye because relationships never end... they just change form for the greater good of everyone involved.
- Love never ends so if you can say “I don’t love them anymore” you never loved them in the first place.
- Casual relationships usually only work for ONE person in the relationship (I don’t care what you say… someone is going to get hurt)
- You can’t get something from someone you aren’t willing to give so you have to BE the love you want in return.
- You have to love yourself before you love someone else.
- The best way to get over one relationship is NOT to get into another relationship. You need time to heal, to learn, and to grow and you MUST do that alone.
- It is important to have your own interests, friends, and passions that bring you joy everyday because no one… NO ONE is responsible for your happiness.
- When you fall in love you will forget everything I just wrote and will eventually start all over over again at number one (and so will I).
WOW. I feel the same way you do about this. It's too bad a lot of women don't feel the same way you do.