While they won’t admit it, most women I know want to be mothered. My girlfriends sometimes say they want a “wife”… not that they want to be married to a woman, instead what they are expressing is their need to be nurtured, taken care of, “Mothered”. But we women feel the deep, penetrating pull to provide comfort and are caught between the pressing needs of our careers, children, elderly parents, friends, and mates.
Though we are grown, we never outgrow the need for someone special to hold us close, to comfort us or to whisper, “Everything will be alright”. Consider this though, maybe we should tap into the feminine energy that emanates from the Divine in order to “Mother” ourselves. I suggest one way to do this is to create- as an act of worship- a safe, peaceful, haven in your home where you can pamper and energize yourself.
In her book Revolution from Within: A Book of Self-Esteem, Gloria Steinem shares that one’s home is “a symbol of the self”. If that is so, then what is your home saying about you? Today, as you walk through your own home think about ways big and small you can begin to “Mother” yourself. Do you have beautiful areas where you can sit, pray, mediate or create? Do you have a spot all your own where you can unwind and feed you mind, body and spirit? Even if you live in a concrete jungle… actually especially if you live in a concrete jungle… you can bring a little bit of nature home with beautiful flowers, plants, or herbs that can infuse scents to calm the nerves and lift the spirits. Women often think it is selfish to actually take care of us. But, we will be no good to anyone else if we aren’t the best we can be, vibrating at our highest level.
It is by seeking to know oneself
that the Great Mother of all may be found.
~Anadamayi Ma
Read over the poem one more time than tell me what you can do today, right now, to “Mother” yourself?
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