You would think I, of all people, a woman who works, plays and lives online would be all over Internet dating sites. For some reason it's been a bit taboo for me. I live in DC where we THOUGHT the ratio of men to women was disproportionately in the guy's favor. Actually, according to, an analysis of the major U.S. cities found that DC fell in line as the number two city for single women... who know? The criteria for Top 10 Cities for Single Women were as follows:
To earn a spot in the Top 10, an international airport was a requirement. Single-minded women want to be able to get there, wherever there may be, with ease. Once we pared down our list, we examined industries and employers, and compared cost of living. We then looked at percentage of singles to the general population, as well as ratio of women to men. In addition, we explored venues for social activities, arts, sports, and other entertainment. We also looked at cities from the standpoint of healthy living, with good health taking into account body, mind, and spirit. Finally, we considered other aspects of lifestyle, such as aesthetics, personal style, and community support.
So, come to find out, there are plenty of eligible men in DC... and I'm going after the ones who want to settle down and build a life together. No more, dating for a decade with no ring, cheating boyfriends who don't appreciate me, unavailable men who claim they love me and finally, absolutely no more players! I'm getting serious about my prospects and I've joined two Online Dating services. In addition, I've solicited my girlfriend as my modern day Yenta. In fact, she is sending me on a date tonight. We spoke on the phone for hours last night. Seems like a nice enough guy... funny... well educated... innovative... homeowner... stable job... oh and, yes, I Googled him. You can't be too safe these days. Although this person has gotten the seal of approval from one of my BFFs, I thought it wouldn't do any harm to Google. Thankfully, I like what I read. Now I'm excited about my date.
I'll let you know how all turns out. This is giving me PLENTY of content to blog about. So, Internet Dating Services... yes or no AND is it wrong to Google a guy before you go out on the first date? Inquiring minds want to know.
Internet Dating on
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