So, once again the media is telling us that Black Women have a better chance of hitting the lottery than finding a suitable mate. Once again we have to hear that as successful, intelligent, accomplished women we have to lower our standards to be find a man who is willing to join us in Holy Matrimony. I'd like to say this doesn't affect me. I'd like to say... "oh those are just statistics". But, since I'm a decade older than the women in this report I have to pause and say "hmmmmmm." Well, all of us single ladies better get use to it. We better be happy being by ourselves but never alone. We better rejoice in the life we have rather than the life we don't. We better rally around our family and friends and find joy and happiness there rather than in a marriage that may or may not be all it's cracked up to be. Let's learn to love ourselves and stop letting these disturbing stats scare us into believe we are not fabulous just the way we are when we know that we are! Here's the report, here's what they are saying... you decide...
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