Thursday, July 7, 2011

Men Say The Darndest Things

I ran across the Man Of The House site and have been delving into the mind of a man. Below is a partial list from the 10 Things You Should Never, Ever Say (to a woman). The list is pretty thorough but I wanted to add a few of my own:
  1. You're right, you DO need to lose weight
  2. You're going to wear that?
  3. Why don't you ______________ (insert any stupid idea)
  4. I guess your last boyfriend ____________ (again, insert any stupid idea)
  5. No, nothing is wrong (when clearly something is)

I'd elaborate but I'm trying to not live in the past. I'm single... I don't have to hear any of this nonsense anymore and if I do... on to the next.

Amplify’d from

“Guys say the stupidest things.” That’s a near universal female observation. And let’s face it: there’s more than a grain of truth in it. We guys do say some pretty idiotic stuff. Thing is, we rarely mean to. In fact, we often don’t even know that we did! What to do? Channel your fifth grade teacher and remember to think before you speak. Behind otherwise benign statements lurk some rather, well, stupid stuff. Here are ten statements that are likely to get you into trouble, and how to avoid them.
1. “You’re over-reacting.”While this may be true from an objective standpoint, she will never agree, at least not on the spot. No matter what she may be throwing at you, be that insults or ceramic knick-knacks, she believes she’s acting appropriately. So duck if you have to and then say something like this: “I don’t blame you for being upset, but I’d rather focus our energy on fixing the problem.”
2. “You’re not being logical.”Once again, you may be right, but that’s beside the point.  (Note that we said “may.”) When in the midst of a debate, one plus one can equal three. Put logic aside, and listen for the core matter as she sees it. Hopefully she’ll return the favor when you suggest, for instance, that because it’s the third Sunday of the month, it would be a crime against humanity if you didn’t go fishing.
3. “Who put that idea in your head, your mother?” On a calm day, your wife or main squeeze may concur that her mother is a bit “out there.” However, when you suggest that some beef or ideas of hers isn’t genuine and, instead, has been “planted” by her mother (or sister, or girlfriend), it suggests that she can’t think for herself. Treat her thoughts and ideas as her own, regardless of their origin.

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